Friday, April 24, 2009

It has been a hard week...

It has been a hard couple of weeks in the adoption world for me! This week in particular has been very hard. I spent the first part of the week lower than I have ever been. I spent time in bed crying and just feeling really, really down! Adoption is such and emotional experience! You will never understand unless you have been there! It is that simple! There are always well meaning friends that offer words to encourage you but there are times that it simply doesn't help! I know that God has a plan, I know it will happen when God is ready, I know that it will be perfect when it does...... I really get that...honestly I do! But you still have the hurt in your heart and the longing to be a mother!

My blogger friend Mrs. R ( was wonderful as always! She offered the most helpful words and the lowest time! She sent me an email reminding me that it is ok to have these feelings and that everyone that has gone through or is going through adoption has been there. Then she did the most amazing thing....She gave me several links to blogs that she has written when she was feeling the same way. In one of those blog post she was talking about a blessing that her father in law gave her and how he was reminding her about women in the Bible that suffered infertility and the desire to become a mother. She listed Genesis 30:22 Then God remembered Rachel. God answered her prayer and made it possible for her to have children.

Read that again.....

Then God remembered Rachel. God answered her prayer and made it possible for her to have children. Genesis 30:22

I know that I will give birth to a child but I will have children! God will remember Kim too! He will provide for me. I know that in my heart and I always have but seeing it in writing from someone that has been there made all the difference in the world for me!
Jeff has been wonderful, bless his heart! Most of the time he just doesn't know what to say and I am sure he is afraid to say anything but he has been wonderful! My family has been supportive as always! Amy listened to me cry and told me she understood - I know she does because she is right there with me. I appreciate you all!
I am feeling much better now! I have been renewed! Today I know I have the strength to continue and wait for my miracle from God.
Thank you Mrs. R, Jeff, Momma, Daddy, and Amy! You made a tough week much easier!
This weekend is a big one for us! Olivia will celebrate her 14th birthday on Sunday. Jeff and I will celebrate with her tomorrow. Chloe will be Christened in the Catholic Church Sunday and then we will have dinner with the entire Sisco and O'Brien families. That is always BIG fun! They are awesome people! And the thing that I am most looking forward to....tomorrow I am going to watch Chloe or should I say Chloe is going to watch me while Stacey helps out with a birthday party. I can not wait to have uninterrupted face time with her! I will have a ball! LOL
Keep us in your prayers!

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